Direct messages removed from slack desktop app
Direct messages removed from slack desktop app

direct messages removed from slack desktop app

If your own PI user account is not an Account Admin or Owner, ask for help from someone on your team whose user account is one of these roles. If the API Key you use belongs to a user with lower permissions, your PI Slack App will not function. To use the PI Slack App, you must obtain from the PI software an API Key belonging to a user with the role Account Admin or Account Owner and store this key in the PI Slack App configuration screen in the next step. API Access is not normally turned on by default and requires a request to be activated. You can skip this step if you already know that API Access has been turned on. To request this, send a message to for someone to ensure that API Access is turned on for your account. The PI Slack App relies on access through the PI application programming interface (API) using an API Key (explained below), but your organization’s PI account must have API Access turned on before any API Key will work.

direct messages removed from slack desktop app

Step 1: Make sure your PI account has API Access To get the PI Slack App, ask your Slack workspace administrator and your PI administrator to follow these instructions below. If your team doesn’t have a Slack workspace, create a new one at. It’s installed into your Slack workspace and it is used only from within Slack itself. This is not an application for mobile devices. It enables people to work better with their teammates by accessing PI Behavioral Profile information directly from within Slack by typing /pi commands in the message bar. The Predictive Index has created a Slack add-on named “The Predictive Index,” also known as the PI Slack App.

Direct messages removed from slack desktop app